:Your membership helps the community to take care of our flying sites. This usually consists of launch clean up, mowing, various improvements, bush whacking etc. We would like to specifically thank some folks for their diligence in helping out, Anne Magnusun and Steve Beals weed whacking at Mara Steve for cleaning up Coopers launch and everyone else who has contributed their time to site maintenance around the North Okanagan. All of the club appreciate your time and effort and passion for this sport. NEW STICKERS COMING SOON |
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OSA WEATHER STATIONS osa-weather.weebly.com/ HPAC WEBSITE www.hpac.ca/pub/ PARAGLIDING SCHOOLS xskyparagliding.com/ www.paraglidecanada.com/ www.freedomflightschool.com/ WeatherArchives
July 2021
CategoriesWe Are...This website is operated by the Okanagan Soaring Association which encompasses most of the Okanagan and the Kamloops regions. It is a place for hang glider and paraglider pilots and students to share news, tall tales and general information free flight in this fantastic locale. Truly, some of the best flying in Canada! |