There is also http://earth.nullschool.net/ which was the original tool and has a more uniform colour style.
![]() Windyty.com is a new tool I stumbled upon. Quite mesmerizing. This thing is beautiful and has a road map layer when you zoom in close enough. It even works on smartphones. There is a link as well on the Pilot Resource Tools Page. There is also http://earth.nullschool.net/ which was the original tool and has a more uniform colour style.
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July 2021
CategoriesWe Are...This website is operated by the Okanagan Soaring Association which encompasses most of the Okanagan and the Kamloops regions. It is a place for hang glider and paraglider pilots and students to share news, tall tales and general information free flight in this fantastic locale. Truly, some of the best flying in Canada! |